Friday, November 30, 2007

Pro Choice or Pro Life…..

In keeping with controversial issues, I thought it would be fitting to discuss abortion. Heated with passion and religious beliefs abortion never makes for a dull topic to discuss. For many people this is an open and shut case; few "ride the fence" on this topic. Most people are pro choice or pro life, period, nothing else to discuss. Although I do not find my self "riding the fence" on this topic, I certainly can appreciate all angles of this argument. So the big question is….where does Snapp stand regarding this issue?

If in an election, the issue of abortion comes up for vote, I would vote pro choice. However, I am completely against the idea of having an abortion. Being a Christian I believe that no life should be destroyed in that manner. Without getting on my religious soap box, I do believe that God created all life, and that life has a purpose (even if we do not understand the reasoning behind it.) In other words, in the case of rape, incest, or the 15 year old girl who makes poor life choices, abortion is not an option.

I would not vote pro life. The reason for this decision is because I would not want the government to dictate to a woman what she can and can not do with her life. I realize that in the preceding sentence of this article, people would argue that it is not just "her" life that she is dealing with here. However, in America this is a free country and everyone should be able to live their life and make their own informed choices and decisions. Also if the government were to have control over abortion, that would just be another freedom that would be removed from us. This would be one step closer to living in a dictatorship. For example in Romania and China, there was a time when the people of those countries were told how many babies they could have or not have. In China, you were limited to the number of children you could have. In Romania, you were told you had to pro-create and birth control was illegal. I could not imagine living my life under these rules and conditions.

In closing, I do not agree with abortion, however it is not my decision to make. This country was founded on certain beliefs and fundamental rights, which should not be removed. We should all be free to worship from our own kind of pew, and live our lives and make our own choices and decisions. Government should not be able to make those decisions for us. Therefore I would vote pro choice in order to keep this a more "Free" America.


K. Murphy said...
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K. Murphy said...

I have to say that for choosing such a controversial topic you couldn't have approached it better. I would consider myself a fence rider on the topic also. I do not believe that the government should make such personal decisions for it's citizens. I do think that maybe the law could be changed. I understand that Roe v. Wade gave the right to these decisions to the mother-to-be, but I think that abortion should be banned at the federal level during the third trimester. I also believe that the states should enforce more prerequisites during the second trimester, like viewing video and pictures as some have attempted in the past. Good posting Snapp!