Thursday, September 20, 2007

Longer Leave for Troops

Fifty-Six to Forty votes was all it took to keep the troops in Iraq. Americans are asking for a timeline that would required that their leave would be as long as their deployment. According to this article Democrats are the ones who are pushing to get the troops home and the Republicans are obviously opposed. “This is Bush’s War,” seems to be the comment and opinion of most Democrats in Congress.

One-Hundred Thirty Thousand troops are to remain in Iraq through next summer. It is difficult for the troops and the troop’s families to have their loved ones away for so long. Some troops have been in War Zones for more than half of their 5 year tour.

This is a very important topic to read about because it affects so many of our fellow Americans and their families. War is never an easy time nor is it welcomed. However, being an Ex-Marine myself, you are fully aware that when you sign up you could be deployed. You join the Military to serve your country and you are trained to do so no matter neither the cost nor the commitment.

Here is the Link to the Article:

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